Use transformer in Julia
I’m trying to follow Kasper Groes Albin Ludvigsen’s post <How to make a Transformer for time series forecasting with PyTorch> to use transformer in time series prediction. However, I will use Julia instead of Pytorch. Full code can be found in my repo in GitHub.
The model can be coded easily using the 2 Julia packages: Flux, and Transformers.jl.
Model building
Here is the code for transformer encoder and decorder:
begin#define 2 layer of transformer
encode_t1 = Transformer(dim_val, n_heads, 64, 2048;future=false,pdrop=0.2)|> gpu
encode_t2 = Transformer(dim_val, n_heads, 64, 2048;future=false,pdrop=0.2)|> gpu#define 2 layer of transformer decoder
decode_t1 = TransformerDecoder(dim_val, n_heads, 64, 2048,pdrop=0.2) |> gpu
decode_t2 = TransformerDecoder(dim_val, n_heads, 64, 2048,pdrop=0.2) |> gpuencoder_input_layer = Dense(input_size,dim_val) |> gpu
decoder_input_layer = Dense(input_size,dim_val) |> gpu
positional_encoding_layer = PositionEmbedding(dim_val) |> gpup = 0.2
dropout_pos_enc = Dropout(p) |> gpulinear = Dense(output_sequence_length*dim_val,output_sequence_length) |> gpufunction encoder_forward(x)
x = encoder_input_layer(x)
e = positional_encoding_layer(x)
t1 = x .+ e
t1 = dropout_pos_enc(t1)
t1 = encode_t1(t1)
t1 = encode_t2(t1)
return t1
endfunction decoder_forward(tgt, t1)
decoder_output = decoder_input_layer(tgt)
t2 = decode_t1(decoder_output,t1)
t2 = decode_t1(decoder_output,t2)
t2 = Flux.flatten(t2)
p = linear(t2)
return p
The Transformers package has the built-in position embedding layer, so I don’t need to code myself. Besides, I don’t need to construct the mask myself because the transformer layer has already built in the parameter: future
. When future
is false
, the k-th token can't see the j-th tokens where j > k.
Data Preparation
Each training data sample is a sub-sequence of the time series. Here is the function to extract each sub-sequence of length seq_len
by shifting x
right each time.
function generate_seq(x, seq_len)
result = Matrix{Float64}[]
for i in 1:length(x)-seq_len+1
ele = reshape(x[i:i+seq_len-1],(seq_len,1))
return result
Then, I follow Kasper’s post to break each sub-sequence into 3 parts: encoder-sequence (src
), decoder-sequence (trg
), and target-sequence (trg_y
function get_src_trg(sequence, enc_seq_len, dec_seq_len, target_seq_len)
nseq = size(sequence)[2]
@assert nseq == enc_seq_len + target_seq_len
src = sequence[:,1:enc_seq_len,:]
trg = sequence[:,enc_seq_len:nseq-1,:]
@assert size(trg)[2] == target_seq_len
trg_y = sequence[:,nseq-target_seq_len+1:nseq,:]
@assert size(trg_y)[2] == target_seq_len
if size(trg_y)[1] == 1
return src, trg, dropdims(trg_y; dims=1)
return src, trg, trg_y
Model Training
Here is the training loop code. Half of the data is for training, and the other half is for verification testing in prediction.
function loss(src, trg, trg_y)
enc = encoder_forward(src)
dec = decoder_forward(trg, enc)
err = Flux.Losses.mse(dec,trg_y)
return err
lg=TBLogger("tensorboard_logs/run", min_level=Logging.Info)data = generate_seq(values(ta_mv[:"10 YR"]),enc_seq_len+output_sequence_length)
data = reduce(hcat,data)
data = convert(Array{Float32,2}, data)
data_sz = size(data)
thd = floor(Int,data_sz[2]/2)
testdata = data[:,thd+1:end]
data = data[:,1:thd]ps = params(encoder_input_layer, positional_encoding_layer, encode_t1, encode_t2, decoder_input_layer, decode_t1,decode_t2, linear)all_layers = [ encoder_input_layer, positional_encoding_layer, encode_t1, encode_t2, decoder_input_layer, decode_t1, decode_t2, linear ]opt = ADAM(1e-4)
train_loader = Flux.Data.DataLoader(data, batchsize=32)l = 100
for i = 1:1000
for x in train_loader
sz = size(x)
sub_sequence = reshape(x,(1,sz[1],sz[2]))
src, trg, trg_y = get_src_trg(sub_sequence, enc_seq_len, dec_seq_len, output_sequence_length)
src, trg, trg_y = todevice(src, trg, trg_y) #move to gpu
grad = gradient(()->loss(src, trg, trg_y), ps)
Flux.update!(opt, ps, grad)
global l = collect(loss(src, trg, trg_y))[1]
if l < 1e-3
if i % 10 == 0
for (j,layer) in enumerate(all_layers)
@save "checkpoint/model-"*string(j)*".bson" layer
with_logger(lg) do
@info "train" loss=l log_step_increment=1
endif l < 1e-3
Prediction Testing
Here is the function for model prediction with the sub-sequence ix
, where the encoder input (ix[:,1:enc_seq_len,:]
), and decoder input by shifting the target by 1 left (ix[:,enc_seq_len:sz[1]-1,:]
) were fed into the encoder_forward
and decoder_forward
to predict the last value (dec[end,:]
) in the sequence.
function prediction(test_data)
seq = Array{Float32}[]
test_loader = Flux.Data.DataLoader(test_data, batchsize=32)
for x in test_loader
sz = size(x)
sub_sequence = reshape(x,(1,sz[1],sz[2]))
ix = sub_sequence[:,1:enc_seq_len+output_sequence_length,:]
ix = todevice(ix)
enc = encoder_forward(ix[:,1:enc_seq_len,:])
trg = ix[:,enc_seq_len:sz[1]-1,:]
dec = decoder_forward(trg, enc)
seq = vcat(seq,collect(dec[end,:]))
return seq
Test 1 with sin curve
First, I tried to verify the model with simple sin curve data, which it should be predicted well.
sincurve1 = Vector{Float64}()
for i in 1:500
enddata = generate_seq(sincurve1,enc_seq_len+output_sequence_length)
Both the predicted value and actual value are well fit each other. The result is good.
Test 2 with interest rate data
I would like to use the actual data to test the model. The data I use is the 10-year daily treasury real yield downloaded since 2003 from the US Treasury. I use 15-day moving average to smoothen the data.
ta = readtimearray("rate.csv", format="mm/dd/yy", delim=',')
ta_mv = moving(mean,ta,15)
data = generate_seq(values(ta_mv[:"10 YR"]),enc_seq_len+output_sequence_length)
Both the predicted value (blue) and actual value (red) are well fit each other. The result is good.
Test 3 with stock price data
Trying to predict the stock price which is more volatile than interest rate. I use the Julia Package MarketData to get the daily closing stock price. Again, I smoothen the data by taking 15-day moving average.
data = generate_seq(values(moving(mean,cl,15)),enc_seq_len+output_sequence_length)
Both the predicted value (blue) and actual value (red) are not well fit each other. The result is not good.